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721 Yuen Long Terror Night Junius Ho, cheerleader for the 721 | 香港人抗爭日程表文宣頻道

721 Yuen Long Terror Night

Junius Ho, cheerleader for the 721 Terror Night, is a registered solicitor in the UK. With all our signatures, we will send the petition to the Solicitors Regulation Authority to seek the disqualification of Junius Ho as a regulated UK solicitor on the grounds that he is in breach of the SRA’s principles.

We have a brief video about Junius Ho. Please share it worldwide and let the world know about his misconduct. Thank you.

1. In the previous decision, Junius Ho was found not guilty, due to the lack of character witnesses and wider research of his previous misconduct, however he was still required to pay his own legal fees of £130,000.

2. We are looking for linguistic experts to contact us for possible future legal actions on Junius Ho.

